
Shenzhen Reetech Precision Components Ltd.
alina@reetech.com.cn +86 755 29860848

Aluminum Parts

  • Aluminum Parts-3

    Aluminum Parts-3

    We are manufacturer of precision parts,mainly provide CNC machining parts,we can process Aluminum alloy,Copper alloy,Stainless steel,Engineering plastics,Carbon and Alloy steel ect. At the same time,we can do the surface treatment,such as electroplate,heat treatment,laser-carving,screen printing,sandblasting,anodizing with black,sliver,red,blue,green,purple and other colors.

  • Aluminum Parts-2

    Aluminum Parts-2

    We are manufacturer of precision parts,mainly provide CNC machining parts,we can process Aluminum alloy,Copper alloy,Stainless steel,Engineering plastics,Carbon and Alloy steel ect. At the same time,we can do the surface treatment,such as electroplate,heat treatment,laser-carving,screen printing,sandblasting,anodizing with black,sliver,red,blue,green,purple and other colors.

  • Aluminum Parts-1

    Aluminum Parts-1

    We are manufacturer of precision parts,mainly provide CNC machining parts,we can process Aluminum alloy,Copper alloy,Stainless steel,Engineering plastics,Carbon and Alloy steel ect. At the same time,we can do the surface treatment,such as electroplate,heat treatment,laser-carving,screen printing,sandblasting,anodizing with black,sliver,red,blue,green,purple and other colors.




聯(lián)系人: Alina Tang

電話:+86 13510220898

手機:+86 755 29860848


地址:Floor 1-2,Building A, QIHANG.TENGSHI Industrial Park, Shangshijia, Guangming District, Shenzhen, China

长宁区| 隆尧县| 邹平县| 鹤山市| 油尖旺区| 宣武区| 苏尼特左旗| 墨竹工卡县| 奎屯市| 平顺县| 蚌埠市| 东台市| 固安县| 藁城市| 青龙| 铁力市| 双柏县| 旺苍县| 临沭县| 邢台县| 启东市| 贞丰县| 宁城县| 南漳县| 科尔| 分宜县| 阿瓦提县| 永兴县| 仪陇县| 中方县| 平谷区| 太谷县| 阿勒泰市| 昂仁县| 广灵县| 健康| 招远市| 武隆县| 弥渡县| 灵山县| 竹溪县|